Love at first sight.

maureen ochieng
1 min readMar 8, 2022


She met him in 2015 in college.

The first time she saw him, she knew that he was the one.

She could feel it, her sixth sense also confirmed that he was the one.

He was so handsome; tall, with chocolate skin, brown eyes, black beautiful hair, short nicely groomed beards, well dressed, and smelled so nice.

She could smell him all day!

His grey T-shirt perfectly fitted him, showing off his wide shoulders and abs!

How was she so lucky! Found the one on the first day of her very first class!

She stood there admiring him for a moment, lost in her own world of imagination, or perhaps she was already fantasizing about their future together with this handsome stranger. And how they will make beautiful babies.

He smiled at her, his immaculate white Hollywood teeth showing how handsome he was.

“I am Joe”, He said with a very deep, gentle sexy voice as he reached out to shake her hand.

“What did you say?” She asked, coming back to her senses.

“I am Joe,” He said.” nice to meet you”.

“I am Joan, nice to meet you too.” She responded blushing with her cheeks red, pupils dilated, butterflies in her stomach, and sweaty hands.

She was definitely in love!



maureen ochieng

I write what is in my mind, what I experience day to day, what i dream about in form of poetry,scripts,short stories or just educative articles.